Thursday, May 16, 2013

A History of the World in Six Glasses: Review

A History of the World in Six GlassesA History of the World in Six Glasses by Tom Standage
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This wonderful book by Tom Standage (who also wrote "An Edible History of Humanity") traces human history via the importance of six types of beverage--beer, wine, distilled spirits, coffee, tea and Coca Cola (there is an addendum about water, never fear).  While one would expect these drinks to figure prominently in the grist of human life, this book reveals that a good part of history was actually driven by drink. Trade practice, farming techniques, wages, commercial value, foreign policy--all these were heavily affected by the demand for these beverages. Standage even claims a strong relationship between rum and the American Revolution! The [true] history of Coca Cola holds some surprises, not all of a fizzy, pleasant nature. As a bonus in the appendix, if you want to take a historical taste tour, Standage tells you how. In the meantime, stay away from bottled water. It's no better for you than tap water if you live in a developed country and it costs a lot more. Definitely a fascinating read.

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